All homeowners and commercial enterprise under the Rancho California Water District have received a letter dated May 29, 2015 regarding the "mandatory drought restrictions and call for water use restrictions". The restrictions became effective as of June 1, 2016, with a call for a 30 percent reduction in outdoor water use. Tier 3 (Inefficient) has been eliminated. Tier 2 budgets reduced. Any overages will be charged at the new higher rate Tier 4. This is the most restrictive mandate to date. There will be fines for non-compliance for flagrant or repeat violations, in addition to allocation drought surcharges for excessive use. It is recommended that all customers install self-adjusting "smart" irrigation controllers with a manual mode to allow for higher shortage stages. Most of California has a drought designation of D3-D4, meaning extreme or exceptional conditions. Visit the RCWD website @ for more information, water conservation tips, rebate information, water use efficiency resources or to report water waste.
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